Wednesday, December 3, 2014

Weigh In Wednesday ~ December 3, 2014

OK, so long time, no blog!  It's been 2.5 months since I've posted anything on here.  I've continued to gain and lose the same 3 pounds and it's getting ridiculous!  Let's start with the weigh in and get this over with.

Weigh In Wednesday
Starting Weight: 198.9
Previous Weight: 181.8
Current  Weight: 182.9
Weekly Change: +1.1
Total Change: -16.0

So, I joined another DietBet 10 that runs from November - May.  I'm not even close to winning the first round, so my goal for the next month is to aim for 8 pounds in December.  That will get me close to the goal for Round 2.  I bought Les Mills Pump during Beachbody's sale last week and got an awesome deal on it.  I am going to start that this weekend and try to do it at least 3 days a week.  

My focus for the rest of this week is to get back to tracking food regularly and focus on drinking at least 64 ounces of water each day.  I'm going to get the ingredients to make my hamburger pie this weekend for my lunches next week.  I'm going to stock up on fruits and veggies to have for breakfast, snacks and lunches.  

Since I have an office job, and it is difficult for me to hit 5,000 steps each day, I am going to aim for 7,000 steps per day.  Anything over that will be a bonus.

I'm linking up with Heather at Pretty Strong Medicine for Weigh In Wednesday.  

Thursday, September 11, 2014

Weigh In Wednesday - September 10, 2014

Well, I weighed in yesterday, but forgot to update on here.  Life has been a bit crazy this week.  I am shocked that I lost any weight at all.  My younger daughter was diagnosed with croup on Monday, so we've been dealing with that and trying to keep our older daughter illness free.  

Here's my weigh in information for today.  Sorry I don't have a picture this week!

Weigh In Wednesday
Starting Weight: 198.9
Previous Weight: 182.8
Current  Weight: 181.8
Weekly Change: -1.0
Total Change: -17.1

My goal for this coming week is to see 179.9 or below!  I am a fan of the Black Dagger Brotherhood books by J. R. Ward (if you haven't tried these, I highly recommend them!) and decided to treat myself to one book for every 5 pounds lost.  I am so close to that 20 pound loss, I can taste it!  I would love to lose 2.9 pounds this week, but I'm not sure that is completely feasible.  I am back to checking in with my DietBet group every day and trying to get back on track there so I can potentially win the whole thing.  I have to lose 9.7 pounds in 22 days to win this round, so that's probably out.  I know I can do it in two months though...

I'm linking up with Heather, Ash, & Erin for Weigh in Wednesday.  Come join us!!  

Wednesday, September 3, 2014

Weigh In Wednesday ~ September 3, 2014

I'm back after 2 weeks away.  I didn't weigh in last week because I was up again.  I just can't seem to get over this stupid hump and break into the 170s.  :(  My focus was completely off over the past two weeks.  I keep saying I am going to start working out again, but can't seem to get myself motivated to get off my ass and do something about it.  I am focusing on my meals and portion sizes again and trying to get my water in each day.  I'm linking up with Heather for this week's Weigh in Wednesday. Here's the horrible weigh in:

Weigh In Wednesday
Starting Weight: 198.9
Previous Weight: 181.2
Current  Weight: 182.8
Weekly Change: +1.6
Total Change: -16.1

I am going to go back to tracking everything online and on paper.  No more playing around.  I'm ready to break into the 170s and keep going!  I want to hit my goal weight by 12/31 and if I keep messing around, that definitely won't be happening.  I need to set up our Wii again so I can do my Just Dance workouts and try the Zumba too.  

Here are my goals for the next month:

  • Drink at least 6-8 glasses of water every day
  • Load up on fruits and veggies at every meal
  • Exercise 3-5 times a week
  • Start back on T25
  • Lose 5 pounds in September
Here goes nothing!!  I'm tired of gaining and losing the same 3 pounds.  Time to get it gone!!  

Wednesday, August 20, 2014

Weigh In Wendesday ~ August 20, 2014

Hey there everyone!

I'm sorry I missed Weigh In Wednesday last week.  I was home with my youngest daughter and it's not the easiest to write a blog post when she is banging on the keyboard.  ;) 

Thursday was my older daughter's 7th birthday and she has been asking to have her ears pierced for the past 2 years.  My husband and I decided she was old enough now to properly take care of them, so we got her some earrings for her birthday and told her we would take her on Saturday to get her ears pierced.  She was SO excited.  She did great and didn't even cry!

So, the last time I weighed in, I was at 182.4.  Last Wednesday, I saw this:

And then life happened.  My older daughter's birthday party was on Saturday, and I had way too many cupcakes and chips.  Then, on Sunday, we had a wedding shower to go to where I wound up eating 2 pieces of cake.  I also had 2 cupcakes over the course of the day.  It was no wonder that on Monday morning when I weighed myself, I saw 183.9.  NOT COOL.

So, I buckled down and focused on my eating and getting my water in.  This morning, I saw this:

Not quite where I was last week, but considering I've dropped 2.7 pounds in 2 days, I'll take it!  My goal for next week is to be below 180.   That will be the first time that has happened since before my oldest daughter was born in 2007. 

Here are my stats for the week:

Weigh In Wednesday
Starting Weight: 198.9
Previous Weight: 182.4
Current  Weight: 181.2
Weekly Change: -1.2
Total Change: -17.7
I'm linking up with Heather, Ash, & Erin for Weigh in Wednesday.

Wednesday, August 6, 2014

Weigh In Wednesday ~ August 6, 2014

Hey everyone! 

I'm back at it.  I've started tracking everything on MFP again and my next focus is getting back to the work outs.  I'm pretty busy this week, so I'll make this short and sweet. 

Weigh In Wednesday
Starting Weight: 198.9
Previous Weight: 183.6
Current Weight: 182.4
Weekly Change: -1.2
Total Change: -16.5
Be sure to link up with Heather, Ash, & Erin!

Wednesday, July 30, 2014

Weigh In Wednesday ~ July 30, 2014

Well, today's post is not fun to write.  I'm not happy, but I'm facing the music and will definitely be working much harder to get this weight off and keep going.  My weigh in this week didn't even deserve a picture.  I weighed in at 183.6 this morning, up 1.4 pounds from last week. 

Weigh In Wednesday
Starting Weight: 198.9
Previous Weight: 182.2
Current Weight: 183.6
Weekly Change: +1.4
Total Change: -15.3

Three weeks ago, I was at 181.4 and was sure I was going to fly by my Diet Bet goal for this month.  The weigh-out for Round 2 is Sunday and Monday.  I need to be 177.8 or below in order to win this round.  I'm going to focus on lots of water, fruits and veggies and cutting back on sodium and watching my sugar and carb intake for the next 5 days.  I know it is next to impossible to lose 5.8 pounds, but my goal is to be closer to the 177.8 than I am to the 183.6 now. 

My older daughter's birthday is on August 14.  I would like to be at 180 or below by then.  That gives me 15 days to lose 3.6 pounds.  I know I can do it.  I'm going to have to plan my meals better next week and really get my focus back.  I have the Power 90 and T25 DVDs to use.  I have time at night after my husband and daughters go to bed.  I have no real excuses why I can't do the exercise. 

I am going to track everything that goes into my mouth on MyFitnessPal and get at least 30 minutes of exercise 5 days this week.  The weather has been fantastic and unseasonably cool this week.  I really need to take advantage of it and take a walk after dinner.  Maybe we could all walk together as a family.  Or, better yet, we can get Abby's bike out and she can ride that while I push Audrey in her stroller. 

I'm linking up with Heather, Ash & Erin for Weigh-in Wednesday.

Wednesday, July 23, 2014

Weigh In Wednesday ~ July 23, 2014

Hey everyone!

So last week I had a gain and decided that instead of keeping myself accountable and posting here, I'd go ahead and enjoy my birthday week and gain even more.  When I weighed in on Monday, I was at 184.3, almost 3 pounds higher than my lowest weight and 1.6 pounds higher than my last WIW post.  At that weight, I would have to lose 0.5 pounds PER DAY to meet my Diet Bet goal for this month.  I got back on the wagon.  I started guzzling water, eating TONS of fresh fruit, especially cantaloupe and watermelon, and got my focus back.  In 3 days, I am down 2.1 pounds.  Now, I have to lose 0.36 pounds per day to meet my goal.  I'm not sure I will make it, but I am definitely going to try!

Here's my weight for today:

I am 0.5 pounds less than I was two weeks ago, which I guess is pretty good considering it was MUCH worse a few days ago!  I'm mad at myself for the backslide, but very happy that I was able to get myself back on track so quickly.  My next obstacle is a trip to Nashville this weekend for my niece's 1st birthday party.  We will be meeting up with some friends on Friday night for dinner and then meeting some other friends for lunch on Saturday, not to mention the cake at the party.  I plan on eating LOTS of grilled chicken salads this weekend!  I have a big Tervis tumbler that I keep filled with ice water that makes it easier to get my water in. 

I bought Tony Horton's Power 90 through a deal on Groupon and it showed up this week.  I plan to start it next Sunday night and work my way through that one.  I would like to do T-25 again since I never finished it, so I think I'll do that after I finish Power 90 in October.  That would get me through to Christmas and I'm going to ask for some other workout DVDs for Christmas to add to my collection.  Who knows?  Maybe by Christmas I'll have psyched myself up to do Insanity!

I am starting to get some pricing information for some of the gyms in the area, too.  There are 3 major ones around here, so I'm hoping I can get a good deal somewhere.  I would love to rejoin the gym I belonged to until last year.  They had some amazing classes and I befriended several of the instructors, so I would love to get back to some of those classes.

I am linking up with Heather, Ash & Erin for Weigh In Wednesday.  

Wednesday, July 9, 2014

Weigh In Wednesday ~ July 9, 2014

It's that time again!!  Time for weigh-in Wednesday!  First things first - I won round 1 of my DietBet!!  Woo Hoo!!!

I'm  super busy at work this week with quarter-end stuff, so I'll make this quick.  I weighed in at 182.7 this morning, down another 1.6 pounds this week.

I hope to see 181 point something by this weekend.  My goal is to be 180 or below by my birthday next week.  We'll see how that goes.  The 4th of July weekend threw me off a bit, but I'm trying to get focused again.

This week, I'm going to guzzle my water, eat LOTS of fresh fruits and veggies and aim for 8,000-10,000 steps each day. 

I'm linking up with Heather, Ash, & Erin for Weigh In Wednesday.  Come join us!

Wednesday, July 2, 2014

Weigh In Wednesday ~ July 2, 2014

Hey everyone!  I am back from the beach and back to the real world.  I could so live at the beach! I missed my husband since he wasn't able to go with us this time.  He started a new job in February and can't take time until he's been there a year, even unpaid. He will definitely be with us next year, so it should be less stressful for me. 

I ate pretty well while we were down there.  Of course, I had to have my fantastic Carolina Grits from The Charleston Crab House, but I ordered the crab cake sandwich to go with it and only at the crab cake, no bread.  We had dinner from Sullivan's one night which was absolutely FANTASTIC. I had the Baked Stuffed Flounder with creamy grits and a side salad.  Delicious!!  We went to lunch at RB's on Shem Creek the last day we were there.  I ordered a shrimp and flounder combo and had both broiled.  Audrey helped me eat 1/3 of my flounder filet and lots of grits too.  That child will eat anything! 

I was so excited to get on the scale before I left and see 184.9!  I hit my goal to be at or below 185.  So happy with that.  I was also extremely happy to get on the scale today and see this: 

Flo showed up this morning for her monthly visit, so I am so happy to see a loss.  This is a  loss of 2.6 pounds since my last weigh in. I finish the first round of my diet bet today and the weigh out for that round is tomorrow and Friday.  I am 0.9 away from hitting my goal weight for that.  I am guzzling water and eating lots of fruits and veggies.  I am also trying to curb the salt intake too.  I  hope I will see a loss tomorrow for my weigh out with Round 1. 

I'm linking up with Heather, Ash, & Erin for Weigh In Wednesday.  Come join us!! 

Friday, June 20, 2014

I did it!!

I just had to post!  I weighed myself yesterday and hit 186.3. That was my goal before we head to the beach on Saturday. I decided to see if I could lose more. This morning, I got on the scale and saw 185.3. My final goal before I leave is to see if I can hit 185.0. Either way, I'm super excited and proud of myself. 

Wednesday, June 18, 2014

Weigh In Wednesday ~ June 18, 2014

My husband and I thoroughly enjoyed our anniversary dinner at Cheesecake Factory.  I actually wound up ordering their Tomato, Mozzarella & Basil flatbread from their Skinnylicious menu.  It was fantastic and a perfect amount of food.  Jason got their Bang Bang Shrimp and Chicken.  I tried a bite of chicken and a bite of shrimp.  It was fantastic as well.  We went to see the new X-Men movie and then went back to Cheesecake Factory to get a couple of slices of  cheesecake to take home.  Jason got the White Chocolate Macadamia Nut and I got Key Lime Cheesecake.  They were both good, but I probably wouldn't order them again.  I still love their Red Velvet Cake Cheesecake.  Totally worth the calories once a year!  ;)

I'm linking up with Heather, Erin & Ash for Weigh-In Wednesday.

I'm down 0.6 from last week.  I am perfectly fine with that since I had WAY too much cheese dip on Friday night and ate out Saturday as well.  My goal is to be 186.3 or below by Saturday when I leave for the beach.  That's 0.2 pounds per day to lose.  I can do it! 

My plan for the next couple of weeks is to focus on my fruits and veggies, eat lots of fantastic grilled seafood next week and take lots of walks on the beach.  I'll check in when I get back!

Wednesday, June 11, 2014

Weigh In Wednesday ~ June 11, 2014

Happy Hump day!!  I'm so glad it's Wednesday.  It gets us one step closer to the weekend.  I've got a busy weekend ahead.  Friday night is girls night at a local Mexican restaurant.  I'm looking forward to getting together with some of my best friends.  One of them is visiting from out of town, so I'm excited to catch up with her!

Saturday is my 11th wedding anniversary.  My parents are coming over to keep the girls for us so Jason and I can go out to dinner.  We have a gift card for Cheesecake Factory, so I think we are going to try to go there and then maybe go see a movie.  They have a Santa Fe Chicken Salad that is fantastic and semi-healthy.  I'll probably have that for dinner and then split a piece of cheesecake with Jason - if we can agree on what to get!

I'm still plugging along with the weight loss and healthy eating.  Life has been a bit stressful with some issues going on with our health insurance, but I have managed not to stress eat for probably the first time in my life.  So proud of myself for staying under control.

On to the weigh in!  I'm linking up with Heather, Ash & Erin.

I'm down another 1.2 pounds this week.  So happy with that.  We are going to the beach in 10 days, so my goal is to be at 186.3 or below (that's what I weighed the last time we were at the beach).  I'm aiming for 185 to keep me on track. 

Wednesday, June 4, 2014

Weigh In Wednesday ~ June 4, 2014

I really buckled down this past week and focused on my eating.  I didn't get any workouts in because my shoulder was still bothering me and I didn't want to risk injuring it further.  This week, I'm fighting my semi-annual sinus infection.  At least I think that's what it is.  Boo...

I've been eating tons of fresh fruit and veggies.  I fixed my hamburger pie recipe and have been eating that for lunch every day with cantaloupe.  So delicious!  I'll try to remember to grab my recipe and post it on here.

My goal this week is to get back to my workouts and continue to focus on fruits and veggies.  My cherry tomatoes are starting to come in, so I'm looking forward to lots of yummy salads full of tomato goodness!

I also joined a diet bet 10.  The goal is to lose 10% of your weight in 6 months.  Totally doable.  If you'd like to join, please follow this link: Diet Bet 10

I'm linked up with Heather for Weigh In Wednesday. On to the weigh in...

I FINALLY MADE IT TO THE 180s!!!!!!  I'm so pumped!!  I lost 2.7 pounds this week!  I'm super excited with that number!

Friday, May 30, 2014

Diet Bet 10: Transformer

I am joining another DietBet.  I think doing the 6 month one to lose 10% will be a bit easier for me than trying to lose 4% in 4 weeks. 

It starts on June 3 and runs until December 2.  This will get me through Thanksgiving and hopefully keep me accountable through the holidays as well.  As of today, I will need to lose 19.1 pounds in 6 months to win.  My official weigh in will be on Monday, so I'm hoping to be even lower by then.  You weigh in monthly and pay $25 each month to participate.  You are guaranteed to at least get your money back each month if you are successful.  Each month, you have a percentage goal to reach to be eligible for that month's pot of money. 

My plan to lose this weight is:

  • Drink LOTS of water
  • Keep up with T-25
  • Try another Beachbody or other workout
  • Walk at least 10,000 steps a day
  • Keep updating my blog
  • Track everything I eat on My Fitness Pal
If you would like to join me, here's the link to join!  Transformer Diet Bet 10

Thursday, May 29, 2014

Weigh In Wednesday - May 28, 2014

OK, so this is really Weigh In Thursday, but whatever.

I am up to 191.4, so 0.3 gain this week.  No pictures this week either.  Just call me a slacker!  I'm linking up with Heather, Ash, & Erin.

I ate entirely too much food this weekend and got no exercise.  I did hit 10,000 steps on Saturday and Monday.  My goal this week is to hit 10,000 steps at least 3 days and get back on the work out bandwagon.  I had to take the past two nights off because I hurt my shoulder and didn't want to risk injuring it further.  It feels better today, so as long as I don't hurt it again, I'll be doing Rip't Circuit tonight.  I'm really enjoying T-25 Beta much more than Alpha.  I'm trying to decide what I'm going to do next.  I'm always up for suggestions!

I stocked up on stuff for salads and got lots of fresh fruit to snack on this week.   This weekend, I'm going to make up a Hamburger Pie recipe my mom makes that is super delicious and healthy.  I'll have that for lunches next week, which will help keep me on track and save me money.

Goals for the week:

2. Fruits and Veggies!!
3. 10,000 steps at least 3 days
4. T25 every night except Saturday

Wednesday, May 21, 2014

Weigh In Wednesday - May 21, 2014

Wow, what a crazy weekend I had last weekend!  Saturday was my older daughter's last soccer game.  We also had our younger daughter's 1st birthday party.  She had a blast!!  I managed to semi-control myself with the cupcakes.  ;)  I made sure we had healthy options for food as well as the usual stuff.  The fruit bowl I made was a huge hit and the veggie tray went over well too.

On to Weigh In Wednesday:

I am down 1 pound from  last week.  Two days ago, that would have been 2 pounds, but I've had pasta and grits since then and I think those are sticking with me.  I'll still take the 1 pound loss!  :)

I'm back on the T-25 bandwagon, doing my first week of Beta this week.  It is KILLER!!  I hope to have some awesome results from this before we leave for the beach in June.

I cut up some bell peppers to have as a snack today and have salad and a small piece of steak leftover from dinner last night for lunch.  I also packed some Greek yogurt to have as a snack.  I stocked up on some more Mio for my water too, so I should be better at getting that in as well

My goal for this week is to get into the 180s.  I have 1.2 pounds to do that and I know I can get there!!  I think we will be at the pool quite a bit this weekend, so hopefully, I can get some laps in while we are there.

Have a great week everyone!

I'm linked up with Heather, Ash, & Erin for Weigh In Wednesday. 

Wednesday, May 14, 2014

Weigh-In Wednesday 5/14/14

So, I had a really good week.  I was really excited when I got on the scale and peeked on Saturday and I was down to 191.7.  Unfortunately, that didn't last.  I'm still down for the week, though!

I am down 0.9 from last week.  I'll take it!   I am 2.2 pounds away from being in the 180s and I can't wait!  My goal is to be in the 180s by next Wednesday. 

Today is also my younger daughter's first birthday.  We are having a party to celebrate on Saturday.  I can't believe how fast this year has flown by!

 Smiling for Mommy

 Laughing at her sister

Comparison from Day 1 to Day 365

My goal this week is to get back to working out, keep focusing on drinking my water, and keep the cupcake eating to a minimum.  If I do that, I know I can lose the 2.2 pounds and be out of the 190s for good.  

I'm linking up with Pretty Strong Medicine, A Step in the Right Direction & She's a Big Star for Weigh In Wednesday.

Wednesday, May 7, 2014

Weigh in Wednesday!

Weigh In Wednesday
Ok, I know it's been over a month since my last update.  I am back, though.  I've decided to participate in Weigh In Wednesday with some pretty awesome bloggers linking up at Pretty Strong Medicine.  I will be posting a picture of my scale each week and I'll continue to update my measurements.

I am still working out with T-25.  I had to repeat a week since I was dealing with allergies and the lack of an ability to breathe.  That tends to be a pretty vital thing to be able to do while working out!  I am finishing up the last week of Alpha Phase and will begin the Beta Phase next week.

We have been busy planning our younger daughter's 1st birthday party.  It is scheduled for the 17th and I think we are going to have a pretty good turnout.  I have planned some healthy foods to have on hand for the party.  I'm going to do a veggie tray, fruit tray, chocolate dipped pretzel rods, and some chips.  Then, we are also going to have cupcakes.  I'm working on making up some of the decorations myself to save some money.  I can't believe I'm going to have a 1-year-old!!

OK, so on to the weigh in!

I weighed in at 193.0 this morning.  I am a bit disappointed about that number because over the weekend, I was down to 192.4 and then we had Mexican.  I am guzzling water and back to eating salads and fruits and veggies.  My goal is to be out of the 190s by May 17th.  It's a lofty, but attainable goal.

Thursday, March 27, 2014

Long time, no blog!  I'm back.  I was super busy the past couple of weeks at work.  I am down a total of 5.3 pounds since starting Weight Watchers 6 weeks ago.  I am going to start the Focus T25 program on Monday and am starting another DietBet on Tuesday.  I didn't win the last one I did, but it was very motivating to keep me focused on what I was eating. 

I went with a good friend to Nashville last weekend to visit our friend from college.  We ate at Chuy's for lunch and Buca di Beppo for dinner on Saturday.  I had a chicken taco salad for lunch, which was delicious, but I went WAY overboard with their chips and Creamy Jalapeno sauce.  SO DELICIOUS!  For dinner, the food was served family style, so we split Garlic Cheese bread, an apple/nut salad, and lasagna.  It was delicious as well.  Sunday morning, we went to The Loveless Cafe.  If you ever get a chance to go, it is fabulous!  They have the BEST biscuits I have ever tasted.  They are unlimited and served with homemade preserves (Peach, Strawberry & Blackberry) and honey or sorghum molasses on request.  The menu is what I would define as "down-home country cooking."   Needless to say, when I weighed in again on Monday morning, I was up 1.1 pounds.  I am quite proud to say that I got rid of that 1.1 along with another .3 pounds when I weighed in this morning. 

My mother-in-law is keeping both girls for us on Friday night, so DH and I are going to have a date night.  We are going to dinner and possibly a movie.  It depends on where we decide to go for dinner.  I am going to stay on my points for today and tomorrow, so that way, at dinner, I can have dessert if I want it.  I have a baby shower to go to on Saturday, and I am looking forward to the cake!  That's honestly the best part of showers and weddings these days!  ;)

I'm looking forward to spending some time with my sister and her husband and daughter this weekend while they are in town visiting.  I know Abby is excited to see her aunt.  We also get to see her precious dog as well, which should fuel Abby's "need" for a dog.  I am planning on getting one for her probably for Christmas NEXT year.  We need Audrey to be a little older before we take on the dog training as well. 

I will try to keep this updated more often!


Thursday, March 6, 2014

Fabulous Weigh In Today!

Last week, I was pretty bummed with such a small loss on the scale.  Then, Thursday night, I got a stomach bug.  NOT FUN.  I was down almost 4 pounds on Saturday morning when I got up, but since I only ate a very small amount of bland carbs on Friday, I decided to wait until Sunday to get excited about it.  Sunday, I was at almost 3 pounds down.  I logged it on and hoped it would stay the same or be lower today for my Weight Watchers weigh in.  I got on the scale this morning and it said 194.5!!  I am down 2.8 pounds from last week! 

I really struggled with my water this week, so that will be my focus for the next week.  We are having homemade pizza tonight, so I planned my breakfast and lunch accordingly.  We got the pizza dough from Publix.  If you have a Publix in your area, run, don't walk to get some pizza dough.  It is FANTASTIC!!! 

The weather is supposed to be in the upper 60s on Saturday, so I am planning on taking my girls to the park to run around and burn off some energy.  Saturday night, we are supposed to go to a friend's house for dinner.  They usually eat pretty healthy, so I should be good there.  Sunday will be pretty and in the lower 60s, so hopefully we can get outside again.  I'm looking forward to the time change because the days are longer.  I just wish I didn't lose an hour of sleep because of it!  I've also got to get our income taxes done this weekend too. It's going to be a pretty busy weekend, but I'm looking forward to it. 


Thursday, February 27, 2014

Weigh In Day

I was really hoping for a good loss this week. I've been eating TONS of fruits and veggies and drinking my water as well.  I got on the scale this morning and saw 197.3.  That's a loss of 0.8 again this week.  I am going to amp up my water again and also focus on working out for 30-45 minutes at least 4 times this week.  I'm also going to focus on my portion sizes more and hopefully next week will bring a bigger loss. 

My weigh in for my diet bet will be on Sunday mornings, so that should hopefully keep me accountable over the weekend as well.  It is supposed to be nice again this weekend, so I'm planning on getting out for another walk or two.  I've also been doing a Denise Austin workout video that I have access to through my Amazon Prime membership.  I'm going to start Jillian Michaels 30 Day Shred tonight, so I'm sure my butt will be completely kicked.  ;)

I had breakfast at Chick-fil-a this morning, but only ate 3/4 of my biscuit and 1/2 my hash browns.  I'll be having a grilled chicken salad for lunch today.  We have pasta planned for dinner tonight, so I need to keep my points down for lunch and snacks. 

I hope everyone has a fabulous day!  I'll update again soon!


Monday, February 24, 2014

Still going strong!

I had a fantastic weekend.  It was beautiful here this weekend (sunny and highs in the 60s), so I took my daughters to the park on Saturday and went on a walk on Sunday.  It is supposed to be cold again on Wednesday.  I'm so ready for Spring to stop teasing us and stick around. 

I'm doing well with my food choices. I wound up eating lunch out yesterday while we were running errands.  Abby wanted McDonalds, so off we went.  I got a cheeseburger and small order of french fries.  I ate about 3/4 of the fries and all but one bite of my burger.  That was 14 points plus.  Luckily, I had eaten a low point breakfast, so I had the points to spare.  I also earned 3 activity points yesterday on my walk. 

I'm starting my week off well.  I've already had 18 ounces of water and it isn't even 10:30 am.  :)  I had a huge bowl of fresh strawberries and blackberries with my bagel for breakfast and have a healthy lunch planned as well.  I made a stuffed pepper casserole last night for dinner.  While that was cooking, I prepped a broccoli chicken casserole for our dinner tonight.  I figure tomorrow night can be leftovers and it will all be planned out.  I am going to put both of my recipes into the recipe builder tool on Weight Watchers so I can track it in the future. 

I also joined a DietBet.  My goal is to lose 4% of my body weight in 4 weeks.  I had to put $25 on it, but when I complete it in 4 weeks, I get to split the pot.  So, if everyone loses 4%, we all get what we put into it back.  I figure I need to put my money where my mouth is, so to speak.  If you'd like to join, it starts today, but you can start late as well.  Go check it out here:

My official weigh in for the DietBet was 197.9.  I weighed in this morning and was down to 197.2.  My goal is to be 196 point something by Thursday when I do my official weigh in for Weight Watchers.  I'm so glad to be moving in the right direction.  I'm down almost 2 pounds from my starting weight with WW 10 days ago.  Slow and steady wins the race!

Saturday, February 22, 2014

Back after 2 years away!

Hey everyone!

I doubt anyone still follows/reads this, but I'm going to give it a shot again.  I joined Weight Watchers on 2/13/14.  I had my second child, Audrey Claire, on May 14, 2013, and I am still hanging onto most of my pregnancy weight.  I had about 15-20 pounds to lose in addition to my pregnancy weight, so I'm ready to lose it.  I joined a Diet Bet (, and I've been trying to find other Weight Watchers/Weight Loss Blogs to follow to provide motivation and accountability.

I chose Weight Watchers because I had success in the past using it and I think I need to pay for something to force myself to focus on my weight loss and be successful.  I was using, but since it is free, I just don't think I have been as motivated to stay focused on my weight loss.  I will start posting my weight on Thursdays, as I weigh in online with Weight Watchers that day. 

My starting weight with Weight Watchers was 198.9.  I weighed in on 2/20/14 at 198.1, resulting in a loss of 0.8 pounds last week.  I am going to be focused on drinking my water and eating lots of fruits and veggies, so I hopefully will see a better number this week. 

I'm looking forward to this journey and I hope you will follow along with me!