Wednesday, July 2, 2014

Weigh In Wednesday ~ July 2, 2014

Hey everyone!  I am back from the beach and back to the real world.  I could so live at the beach! I missed my husband since he wasn't able to go with us this time.  He started a new job in February and can't take time until he's been there a year, even unpaid. He will definitely be with us next year, so it should be less stressful for me. 

I ate pretty well while we were down there.  Of course, I had to have my fantastic Carolina Grits from The Charleston Crab House, but I ordered the crab cake sandwich to go with it and only at the crab cake, no bread.  We had dinner from Sullivan's one night which was absolutely FANTASTIC. I had the Baked Stuffed Flounder with creamy grits and a side salad.  Delicious!!  We went to lunch at RB's on Shem Creek the last day we were there.  I ordered a shrimp and flounder combo and had both broiled.  Audrey helped me eat 1/3 of my flounder filet and lots of grits too.  That child will eat anything! 

I was so excited to get on the scale before I left and see 184.9!  I hit my goal to be at or below 185.  So happy with that.  I was also extremely happy to get on the scale today and see this: 

Flo showed up this morning for her monthly visit, so I am so happy to see a loss.  This is a  loss of 2.6 pounds since my last weigh in. I finish the first round of my diet bet today and the weigh out for that round is tomorrow and Friday.  I am 0.9 away from hitting my goal weight for that.  I am guzzling water and eating lots of fruits and veggies.  I am also trying to curb the salt intake too.  I  hope I will see a loss tomorrow for my weigh out with Round 1. 

I'm linking up with Heather, Ash, & Erin for Weigh In Wednesday.  Come join us!! 


  1. Great job still losing on vacation!

  2. That is incredible to do that great on your vacation, and still enjoy the food. Good luck on your challenge.


  3. I do live on a beach ;) Great loss! Good luck with the dietbet!
