Wednesday, July 30, 2014

Weigh In Wednesday ~ July 30, 2014

Well, today's post is not fun to write.  I'm not happy, but I'm facing the music and will definitely be working much harder to get this weight off and keep going.  My weigh in this week didn't even deserve a picture.  I weighed in at 183.6 this morning, up 1.4 pounds from last week. 

Weigh In Wednesday
Starting Weight: 198.9
Previous Weight: 182.2
Current Weight: 183.6
Weekly Change: +1.4
Total Change: -15.3

Three weeks ago, I was at 181.4 and was sure I was going to fly by my Diet Bet goal for this month.  The weigh-out for Round 2 is Sunday and Monday.  I need to be 177.8 or below in order to win this round.  I'm going to focus on lots of water, fruits and veggies and cutting back on sodium and watching my sugar and carb intake for the next 5 days.  I know it is next to impossible to lose 5.8 pounds, but my goal is to be closer to the 177.8 than I am to the 183.6 now. 

My older daughter's birthday is on August 14.  I would like to be at 180 or below by then.  That gives me 15 days to lose 3.6 pounds.  I know I can do it.  I'm going to have to plan my meals better next week and really get my focus back.  I have the Power 90 and T25 DVDs to use.  I have time at night after my husband and daughters go to bed.  I have no real excuses why I can't do the exercise. 

I am going to track everything that goes into my mouth on MyFitnessPal and get at least 30 minutes of exercise 5 days this week.  The weather has been fantastic and unseasonably cool this week.  I really need to take advantage of it and take a walk after dinner.  Maybe we could all walk together as a family.  Or, better yet, we can get Abby's bike out and she can ride that while I push Audrey in her stroller. 

I'm linking up with Heather, Ash & Erin for Weigh-in Wednesday.

Wednesday, July 23, 2014

Weigh In Wednesday ~ July 23, 2014

Hey everyone!

So last week I had a gain and decided that instead of keeping myself accountable and posting here, I'd go ahead and enjoy my birthday week and gain even more.  When I weighed in on Monday, I was at 184.3, almost 3 pounds higher than my lowest weight and 1.6 pounds higher than my last WIW post.  At that weight, I would have to lose 0.5 pounds PER DAY to meet my Diet Bet goal for this month.  I got back on the wagon.  I started guzzling water, eating TONS of fresh fruit, especially cantaloupe and watermelon, and got my focus back.  In 3 days, I am down 2.1 pounds.  Now, I have to lose 0.36 pounds per day to meet my goal.  I'm not sure I will make it, but I am definitely going to try!

Here's my weight for today:

I am 0.5 pounds less than I was two weeks ago, which I guess is pretty good considering it was MUCH worse a few days ago!  I'm mad at myself for the backslide, but very happy that I was able to get myself back on track so quickly.  My next obstacle is a trip to Nashville this weekend for my niece's 1st birthday party.  We will be meeting up with some friends on Friday night for dinner and then meeting some other friends for lunch on Saturday, not to mention the cake at the party.  I plan on eating LOTS of grilled chicken salads this weekend!  I have a big Tervis tumbler that I keep filled with ice water that makes it easier to get my water in. 

I bought Tony Horton's Power 90 through a deal on Groupon and it showed up this week.  I plan to start it next Sunday night and work my way through that one.  I would like to do T-25 again since I never finished it, so I think I'll do that after I finish Power 90 in October.  That would get me through to Christmas and I'm going to ask for some other workout DVDs for Christmas to add to my collection.  Who knows?  Maybe by Christmas I'll have psyched myself up to do Insanity!

I am starting to get some pricing information for some of the gyms in the area, too.  There are 3 major ones around here, so I'm hoping I can get a good deal somewhere.  I would love to rejoin the gym I belonged to until last year.  They had some amazing classes and I befriended several of the instructors, so I would love to get back to some of those classes.

I am linking up with Heather, Ash & Erin for Weigh In Wednesday.  

Wednesday, July 9, 2014

Weigh In Wednesday ~ July 9, 2014

It's that time again!!  Time for weigh-in Wednesday!  First things first - I won round 1 of my DietBet!!  Woo Hoo!!!

I'm  super busy at work this week with quarter-end stuff, so I'll make this quick.  I weighed in at 182.7 this morning, down another 1.6 pounds this week.

I hope to see 181 point something by this weekend.  My goal is to be 180 or below by my birthday next week.  We'll see how that goes.  The 4th of July weekend threw me off a bit, but I'm trying to get focused again.

This week, I'm going to guzzle my water, eat LOTS of fresh fruits and veggies and aim for 8,000-10,000 steps each day. 

I'm linking up with Heather, Ash, & Erin for Weigh In Wednesday.  Come join us!

Wednesday, July 2, 2014

Weigh In Wednesday ~ July 2, 2014

Hey everyone!  I am back from the beach and back to the real world.  I could so live at the beach! I missed my husband since he wasn't able to go with us this time.  He started a new job in February and can't take time until he's been there a year, even unpaid. He will definitely be with us next year, so it should be less stressful for me. 

I ate pretty well while we were down there.  Of course, I had to have my fantastic Carolina Grits from The Charleston Crab House, but I ordered the crab cake sandwich to go with it and only at the crab cake, no bread.  We had dinner from Sullivan's one night which was absolutely FANTASTIC. I had the Baked Stuffed Flounder with creamy grits and a side salad.  Delicious!!  We went to lunch at RB's on Shem Creek the last day we were there.  I ordered a shrimp and flounder combo and had both broiled.  Audrey helped me eat 1/3 of my flounder filet and lots of grits too.  That child will eat anything! 

I was so excited to get on the scale before I left and see 184.9!  I hit my goal to be at or below 185.  So happy with that.  I was also extremely happy to get on the scale today and see this: 

Flo showed up this morning for her monthly visit, so I am so happy to see a loss.  This is a  loss of 2.6 pounds since my last weigh in. I finish the first round of my diet bet today and the weigh out for that round is tomorrow and Friday.  I am 0.9 away from hitting my goal weight for that.  I am guzzling water and eating lots of fruits and veggies.  I am also trying to curb the salt intake too.  I  hope I will see a loss tomorrow for my weigh out with Round 1. 

I'm linking up with Heather, Ash, & Erin for Weigh In Wednesday.  Come join us!!