Tuesday, January 31, 2012

Giveaway on Frugalissa Finds

For those of you in the Knoxville, TN area, check out this giveaway on Frugalissa Finds.  She is giving away five 4-packs of tickets to the Ringling Bros. & Barnum and Bailey Circus.  The contest ends today, so hurry up and check it out.  Here's the link to the giveaway page: Circus Tickets Giveaway  :)

Monday, January 30, 2012

Weigh In #1

Happy Monday everyone!!  Today is my first weigh in day and I am so excited!  I got on the scale this morning expecting a small loss, if any.  We went out for pizza last night and it usually likes to hang out for a day or two on the scale.  This morning, I got on the scale and in 2 days, I have lost 2.9 pounds!!  WOO HOO!!!  :) 

I'm going to have to get creative with my exercise this week since I won't be able to get to the gym on Wednesday, Thursday or Friday nights since we have stuff going on all week.  I may see if they offer my weight training class on Thursday at 6:00 AM.  Of course, making myself get up and go and then get ready and get home to get Abby to daycare before I have to go to work will be a feat, but I'll give it a shot! 

I've already had 20 ounces of water this morning and I'm getting ready to work on the next 20 ounces.  We are going out for sushi tonight, so I'm trying to get lots of extra water in today to help counteract the sodium in the soy sauce.  I'm also going to ask for low sodium soy sauce. 

I'll try to keep this thing updated at least twice a week, but no guarantees!! 

Saturday, January 28, 2012


Hey everyone!  Welcome to Kimberly Gets Healthy!  My name is Kimberly and I am a wife to Jason and Mommy to my sweet daughter Abby.  I am focusing on losing weight and getting healthy to be a great example for Abby.  I am tired of being overweight and sluggish.  I have so many clothes in my closet that I cannot come close to fitting in and I'm ready to break them all out again!

My Starting Weight:  198.4 pounds
My Goal Weight: 155 pounds
My Current Size: 14
My Goal Size: 6-8

We are going to the beach in May and I want to be a size 10 when we go.  I will take Group exercise classes at my gym and focus on trying to complete Couch to 5K.  I have been taking a class at the gym called Rush Power.  It is a weight-lifting class that focuses on each major muscle group for approximately 5 minutes at a time.  I LOVE it!!  I am trying to psych myself up to try a spinning class.  They are starting a new game called Rush Core that is 30 minutes long and focuses solely on core.  It starts this week and I can't wait to try it!

I will officially weigh in on Monday mornings and I will update my weight on here.