Friday, April 5, 2019

Well, it's only been 3 years....

I obviously decided that blogging wasn't important to me 3 years ago.  I am close the highest weight I've ever been when not pregnant.  I'm hoping that by blogging again, I'll be able to stay more accountable to myself and focused on my weight loss. 

My current weight is 206.4, which is 16.5 pounds above my last posted weight on here.  😢
I am logging my food on My Fitness Pal (I'm abbysmom814) and using my Fitbit to track steps and activity.  I also post on Instagram to stay accountable.  I'm participating in a 100 day honest tracking challenge and a 100 days of activity challenge on Instagram. 

My goal is to be down 20 pounds by June 1.  I have 16 pounds to go to reach that goal.  I have been walking in my neighborhood and taking classes at the Y when I can.  I have discovered a love for the Barre class and really enjoy it when I can get there.  I've also been taking a Zumba class on Sunday afternoons that is really fun.  I love the instructor.  He is very energetic and makes us all feel like we can dance, even if we have 2 left feet. 

I will try to update this at least once per week, but no guarantees.  If you want to make sure I haven't completely fallen off the wagon, just follow me on Instagram!