Wednesday, July 30, 2014

Weigh In Wednesday ~ July 30, 2014

Well, today's post is not fun to write.  I'm not happy, but I'm facing the music and will definitely be working much harder to get this weight off and keep going.  My weigh in this week didn't even deserve a picture.  I weighed in at 183.6 this morning, up 1.4 pounds from last week. 

Weigh In Wednesday
Starting Weight: 198.9
Previous Weight: 182.2
Current Weight: 183.6
Weekly Change: +1.4
Total Change: -15.3

Three weeks ago, I was at 181.4 and was sure I was going to fly by my Diet Bet goal for this month.  The weigh-out for Round 2 is Sunday and Monday.  I need to be 177.8 or below in order to win this round.  I'm going to focus on lots of water, fruits and veggies and cutting back on sodium and watching my sugar and carb intake for the next 5 days.  I know it is next to impossible to lose 5.8 pounds, but my goal is to be closer to the 177.8 than I am to the 183.6 now. 

My older daughter's birthday is on August 14.  I would like to be at 180 or below by then.  That gives me 15 days to lose 3.6 pounds.  I know I can do it.  I'm going to have to plan my meals better next week and really get my focus back.  I have the Power 90 and T25 DVDs to use.  I have time at night after my husband and daughters go to bed.  I have no real excuses why I can't do the exercise. 

I am going to track everything that goes into my mouth on MyFitnessPal and get at least 30 minutes of exercise 5 days this week.  The weather has been fantastic and unseasonably cool this week.  I really need to take advantage of it and take a walk after dinner.  Maybe we could all walk together as a family.  Or, better yet, we can get Abby's bike out and she can ride that while I push Audrey in her stroller. 

I'm linking up with Heather, Ash & Erin for Weigh-in Wednesday.

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