Wednesday, July 23, 2014

Weigh In Wednesday ~ July 23, 2014

Hey everyone!

So last week I had a gain and decided that instead of keeping myself accountable and posting here, I'd go ahead and enjoy my birthday week and gain even more.  When I weighed in on Monday, I was at 184.3, almost 3 pounds higher than my lowest weight and 1.6 pounds higher than my last WIW post.  At that weight, I would have to lose 0.5 pounds PER DAY to meet my Diet Bet goal for this month.  I got back on the wagon.  I started guzzling water, eating TONS of fresh fruit, especially cantaloupe and watermelon, and got my focus back.  In 3 days, I am down 2.1 pounds.  Now, I have to lose 0.36 pounds per day to meet my goal.  I'm not sure I will make it, but I am definitely going to try!

Here's my weight for today:

I am 0.5 pounds less than I was two weeks ago, which I guess is pretty good considering it was MUCH worse a few days ago!  I'm mad at myself for the backslide, but very happy that I was able to get myself back on track so quickly.  My next obstacle is a trip to Nashville this weekend for my niece's 1st birthday party.  We will be meeting up with some friends on Friday night for dinner and then meeting some other friends for lunch on Saturday, not to mention the cake at the party.  I plan on eating LOTS of grilled chicken salads this weekend!  I have a big Tervis tumbler that I keep filled with ice water that makes it easier to get my water in. 

I bought Tony Horton's Power 90 through a deal on Groupon and it showed up this week.  I plan to start it next Sunday night and work my way through that one.  I would like to do T-25 again since I never finished it, so I think I'll do that after I finish Power 90 in October.  That would get me through to Christmas and I'm going to ask for some other workout DVDs for Christmas to add to my collection.  Who knows?  Maybe by Christmas I'll have psyched myself up to do Insanity!

I am starting to get some pricing information for some of the gyms in the area, too.  There are 3 major ones around here, so I'm hoping I can get a good deal somewhere.  I would love to rejoin the gym I belonged to until last year.  They had some amazing classes and I befriended several of the instructors, so I would love to get back to some of those classes.

I am linking up with Heather, Ash & Erin for Weigh In Wednesday.  


  1. Good job getting yourself back on track so quickly. Good luck in Nashville. We are considering going there in August for a mini-vacation.

    1. I love Nashville! We are only about 2.5 hours away, so it's nice to get away from it all and go visit family while we are at it. I could definitely live in Nashville. There's tons to do and the people are so friendly!

  2. Wow, you have your exercise planned out :) I think doing challenges and programs helps. I am so glad I signed up to do a monthly virtual 5k and now I am doing this 100 mile challenge. I would love to do some of the programs you are talking about eventually. I admire you for doing the dietbet challenge. I just couldn't stay with that. I think it was a mental issue. Anyway, I hope you have a wonderful weekend in Nashville :)

  3. We are allowed treats and 'off' days every not and then - don't be too down - you have made awesome progress - well done on your weight loss so far :) x
