Wednesday, June 11, 2014

Weigh In Wednesday ~ June 11, 2014

Happy Hump day!!  I'm so glad it's Wednesday.  It gets us one step closer to the weekend.  I've got a busy weekend ahead.  Friday night is girls night at a local Mexican restaurant.  I'm looking forward to getting together with some of my best friends.  One of them is visiting from out of town, so I'm excited to catch up with her!

Saturday is my 11th wedding anniversary.  My parents are coming over to keep the girls for us so Jason and I can go out to dinner.  We have a gift card for Cheesecake Factory, so I think we are going to try to go there and then maybe go see a movie.  They have a Santa Fe Chicken Salad that is fantastic and semi-healthy.  I'll probably have that for dinner and then split a piece of cheesecake with Jason - if we can agree on what to get!

I'm still plugging along with the weight loss and healthy eating.  Life has been a bit stressful with some issues going on with our health insurance, but I have managed not to stress eat for probably the first time in my life.  So proud of myself for staying under control.

On to the weigh in!  I'm linking up with Heather, Ash & Erin.

I'm down another 1.2 pounds this week.  So happy with that.  We are going to the beach in 10 days, so my goal is to be at 186.3 or below (that's what I weighed the last time we were at the beach).  I'm aiming for 185 to keep me on track. 


  1. Great job on your loss!! Enjoy your night out and Happy Anniversary!

  2. happy anniversary...... Oh my goodness you get to go to the beach!!!!! I wish I could to!!!!!....... and congrats on the weight loss. May the God of this whole world bless your body and your journey and may peace rule your heart daily in Jesus name!

  3. Great loss this week! Happy Anniversary :)
