Wednesday, June 4, 2014

Weigh In Wednesday ~ June 4, 2014

I really buckled down this past week and focused on my eating.  I didn't get any workouts in because my shoulder was still bothering me and I didn't want to risk injuring it further.  This week, I'm fighting my semi-annual sinus infection.  At least I think that's what it is.  Boo...

I've been eating tons of fresh fruit and veggies.  I fixed my hamburger pie recipe and have been eating that for lunch every day with cantaloupe.  So delicious!  I'll try to remember to grab my recipe and post it on here.

My goal this week is to get back to my workouts and continue to focus on fruits and veggies.  My cherry tomatoes are starting to come in, so I'm looking forward to lots of yummy salads full of tomato goodness!

I also joined a diet bet 10.  The goal is to lose 10% of your weight in 6 months.  Totally doable.  If you'd like to join, please follow this link: Diet Bet 10

I'm linked up with Heather for Weigh In Wednesday. On to the weigh in...

I FINALLY MADE IT TO THE 180s!!!!!!  I'm so pumped!!  I lost 2.7 pounds this week!  I'm super excited with that number!


  1. While you're shoulder's acting up why not try some lower body workouts?

    Great loss this week!

  2. Great loss and great plan :)

  3. Great loss! Way to go!

  4. The hamburger pie sounds tasty, please post it on your blog! A 2 pound weight loss in one week is impressive! Congratulations! I'm visiting from the weight loss wednesday hop. Keep up the good work and focus! Esther Norine Designs

  5. Great job! Even though you did not get workouts in, it goes to show eating is a big part of weight loss! Thanks for linking up!
